The Design/Build process and what
it can do for you consists of five steps:
First Contact
This would be the interview phase. What is the scope of your project? What life
changes do you wish to achieve in doing this project? What is your budget? What
are your needs, desires, wishes? How did you hear about us? Have you ever done
anything like this before? What are your considerations? Would you like us to
meet you at the project site and discuss our services while we assess the project?
If you choose to move forward, we will arrange an appointment with all involved
Second Cycle
Our estimator/design staff will meet at the project site and introduce you
to our process. We will study the site, the structure, and the possibilities.
When we establish our relationship we can move to a design agreement. These
agreements vary with the size and the scope of your project. First and most
important is drawing a site plan and as-builts. The building inspection division
will require these for almost any type of permit. These documents will be
in electronic template, pdf, or cad drawing files. This makes the bidding
and permitting process, transferring documents by email to engineers and
designers, and archiving very efficient and convenient. With these documents
and jobsite data, we give rough investment budgets based on our experience,
quality, and past projects.
Third Cycle
We meet at the project site with the existing plans, conceptual parameters,
and the budget. If all items are agreeable, we move to the final design,
material specifications, and contractual documents. Contractual documents
consist of contract, job scope and description, cost breakdown, time and
action schedule, payment schedule, certificates of insurance, and other appropriate
documents for your type of project. When the drawings are ready, we submit
for the building permit and finalize all remaining details to move to the
construction phase.
Fourth Cycle
While waiting for the plan check process, our production staff(project managers,
logistics, and owner) will meet with all involved parties at the project
site to familiarize surroundings, staging areas, sensitive areas, storage,
and all significant concerns of the owner and the builders. You will meet
the full time project manger and all important contact locations and numbers
are exchanged.
Final Cycle
During the course of construction, we will have had numerous conversations,
emails and meetings. This interaction/feedback is the most important element
of open communication during the project when the production staff goes into
substantial completion. You will be asked to create a punch list and our
production staff will do the same. We will combine the lists, complete the
work, and get a final inspection. This punch list process gets all eyes on
the project and all items get completed in an expedient, thorough manner.
Our goal-Done right, on-time, on-budget, happy customers.